Are you interested in Aviation, but don’t know where to start? As a testimony, I was a young 17 year old with wide ideas and enough sense to take on the world, no matter what came my way. As I was working one job to the next, I got the idea that I would join the Military. My dad served in the US Navy during the time of Vietnam and had a great testimony about his time serving in the Navy. My grandpa served in the Army and while he didn’t talk about it much, was proud to have served.
I went down to the recruiter’s office and took a pre-ASVAB test to show the guys in the office just how smart I am. The Navy bit off on my excitement and filled my head with all sorts of ideas about my future with the Navy. I signed on the dotted line and started making preparations to join the Navy. The night before I was supposed to go to the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS), my recruiter called me and told me that I wasn’t able to go because they hadn’t finished checking my references. Disappointed, I did what any sensible 17 year old would do and called the Air Force recruiter. That next week, I went to MEPS wearing an Air Force t-shirt. And as some would say, the rest is history!
I say that to say, there are many ways to get into Aviation. Swan Aviation Ministries can help you achieve your goals. Contact us today and let’s get started!